What Is A Jerusalem Cricket?
In Glendale AZ

Bugs: 623-226-7555

Birds: 602-529-1236

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The good ‘ol Jerusalem Cricket, also known as the Potato Bug….. They aren’t actually crickets at all, believe it or not. In fact, they aren’t even true bugs nor do they come from Jerusalem. Hmmm – so what is the story about these odd critters?

The Jerusalem Cricket is a flightless insect that are found in the western United States and Mexico. Though they aren’t actually crickets, they do sing or chirp like common crickets, which is probably how they got the name. They also hiss, much like some beetles and cockroaches.n As far as the Jerusalem part of their name goes, nobody’s sure of the origin. However, one explanation is that the Navajo’s spoke of a “skull insect”, which some of the early Franciscan priests in the area connected with Skull Hill (Calvary), where Jesus was crucified.

Jerusalem Crickets are mainly nocturnal and feed on dead, organic matter. They have very strong mandibles, which allow them to also feed on other insects and deliver a painful, non-venomous bite. They are also capable of emitting a foul odor as an additional line of defense. Other names include: red-skull bug, shiny bug, and nino de la tierra, which means child’s face. Don’t know about that one….. Probably the best advice is to just let them go on their way. That way you don’t get bit and you don’t have to smell them. A good pest control service will help eliminate Jerusalem Crickets.